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Vision, Values, Ethos & Mission

A statement on our schools ethos and values.

Our Vision and Values are at the heart of all we do at St Mary’s.

St Mary’s is a happy and holy school, where we can ’Grow Together in The Friendship of Faith’.

Our school is a place where:

  • all children, staff, families and friends feel valued, respected and cared for. 
  • everyone can work hard, pray hard and play hard together  
  • Christ is at the centre. 

I have come that they may have life,and have it to the full.

John 10:10

We aim to provide every child with a solid foundation so that they leave our school equipped with the knowledge, skills and attributes that they will need for the next stage of their learning journey, and beyond. We have high expectations and aim to inspire children to have high aspirations for themselves and their future. We seek to provide opportunities for children to develop positive attitudes to learning and key skills such as creativity, resilience, problem solving and independence, skills that they will be able to apply throughout their lives. 

As a Catholic school, Christ is at the centre of our community. We are a loving community, where everyone is welcomed and valued equally. We aim to ensure that all children recognise their self-worth, understand that they have a unique contribution to make to the world and value themselves as members of a global family. We provide opportunities for children to use their talents and skills to contribute positively to the school community, and to respond to the needs of the wider world, in order to prepare them to be responsible, caring and active citizens in the world. 

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Updated | 5th October, 2023 |

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